Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Still waiting for our home study report

We are still waiting the the homestudy report. Patience is wearing thin. Our homestudy should have been completed about two weeks ago and we still have not heard a thing. The fourth and final visit from our social worker was on February 26th. It was then that she notified us that Katie would need a physical after all. We asked her to write the report and add the paragraph about Katie when the paperwork from the doctor was completed. We quickly arranged an appointment for Katie and submitted the paperwork two weeks ago. Hard to believe it could take two weeks to write the final paragraph!!

Steve called the adoption agency on Monday. I followed with a polite but strong email on Tuesday. The social worker is contracted through the agency. They intervened on our behalf and we are told the report will be submitted to the agency this week for proof reading. We are not sure how long that will take. Hopefully it will be ready to send to the INS next week.

My friends who have adopted told me to enjoy the home study process seeing that is the part where you have the most control over. Everything after this is really out of our hands. If this is control, we are in for a long and hard journey over the next year. My mantra has been "patience, patience, it will be over soon." Some days that mantra works better than others!!