Sunday, June 05, 2005

Update from Steve

The last few weeks have gotten us even closer to Sophie coming home to us in Maryland. Both Anne and I drove all over the Baltimore-DC metro area to get paperwork stamped and prepared for China. Just as we had finished up with those papers, our INS approval came in the mail. The folks at ATI tell us we have been very lucky, our papers only took five weeks and other folks are still waiting after twelve! We are looking forward to the summer and being able to get Sophie's room ready and baby proof the house.

It's very different becoming a parent through adoption. There are no "signs" of the baby's arrival, like an expanding waistline, so when Anne picked up some baby clothes at a yard sale last week, it made every thing seem a little more real.

Soon we'll be starting to look at flights to China and I'll begin my attempt to convince Anne that we'll be in real bad shape if we fly all that way in coach. Please send any horror stories you may have to her and help me in my cause.
Anne just told me that she's not mentioned that Sophie will be named Sophie. We had originally thought about Allison, but one day I came home after seeing a large sign near our houses which says Tai Sofia, and declared the baby's name to be Sophie. It's just stuck, and beats CTB (ask Anne).