Sunday, June 23, 2024

The exciting month of May

 The month started off with something I. personally look forward to every year, Maryland Sheep and Wool. It rained, as it often does, most of the weekend but that didn't stop me. Got some yarn, a purse which I waited all year for and a bed for Mr. Twinkletoes. 

CMy birthday and Mother's Day weekend was fun. I spent Mother's Day at the Pony Club Dressage Rally. We had to leave the house at 3:15 AM and didn't get home until 7:00 PM but I was happy to see Sophia ride Wren. They are doing well together.

Our Girl Scout troop finally got together. We went to Melting Pot and had a blast. 

I planted in the garden. I did the grow bags again because they worked so well last year and the held up through the winter.

But the biggest event of the month was Sophia's graduation from high school. Sophia and I started the day off with breakfast and then went to get our nails done. The most cherished moment was when her Dad presented her with the diploma. One of the benefits from working in the county, and the school Sophia has attended. Her friend Gretchen came to the ceremony. Nick did too. Then Mari, Nick's fianance and your cousin Angela joined us for dinner. Sophia graduated with all A's in her high school classes. She took 5 college classes and got A's and one B (in calculus.) She worked hard, dealt with all the craziness of not so well behaved students in high school and managed to hold down a part time job at the barn and ride five days a week. I am confident she will do anything she sets her mind to.

Her friend, Hannah, took some graduation pictures of Sophia in her cap and gown with Wren (in June.)

And as always, finishing up with our pets.