Sunday, July 14, 2024

June 2024

 The month of June was pretty uneventful, partly due to me getting Covid after a professional development retreat. Ten days in isolation and a few more just trying to get my energy back made for a pretty boring June. But it could have been much worse.

I started the month off with a trip to the beach with my "curly girls." I didn't get many pictures but we had a great time, a day at the beach, shopping, good food and great company. 

Sophia had to go to the Youth Dressage Festival with Peggy and Gretchen. She stayed in a hotel room alone (but right next door to Peggy and G)  Sophia had great rides. She is really beginning to figure out Wren and getting him more consistently round and on the bit. She rode in the evening musical freestyle challenge. She thought he wasn't really listening to her then. In all fairness it was a very hot weekend and they were both probably exhausted. She did a Pas de Deux with Gretchen which as a lot of fun. She also did a prix caprilli class for the first time and got a 73.519 and came in 2nd. She rode level one test 2 and 3. All scores were great.

She returned home from the show weekend and attended McDaniel local, her college summer orientation. She made new friends, registered for classes and did a service project with a local food pantry. We did some back to school shopping but there is more to be done.

Animals are all good, for the most part. We tried to get Mr. Twinkletoes dental done but his blood work raised a red flag. He had VERY low platelets and the vet put him on strong antibiotics, which smelled like a skunk and steroids. Thankfully when he was retested the numbers looked better. We will attempt another cleaning after he is weaned off the meds in hopes that his numbers till look good.