Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 2011

It has been a very hot and very busy summer thus far. That has not kept us inside. We went to the July 4th fireworks which Sophia loved despite the fact that she had her fingers plugging her ears the whole time.

We went picking berries. They were great in yogurt and made yummy smoothies.

Sophia got her haircut in July. She decided she wanted to grow out her bangs and then get her hair cut shorter. She did a little trimming of her bangs on her own...right in the middle of her forehead. It is going to take months to grow back there is no way it could be blended in with her new haircut seeing she cut it so short.
Sophia's art work has really changed over the summer. Guess she is getting all those skills in place for Kindergarten in the Fall.

We took a day trip to Dutch Wonderland this month. Sophia had a blast jumping from one ride to the next. It was a hot day but that didn't stop us from having fun.
We also went to see Katie's race on the last day of her crew camp. Another hot day but thankfully the race was in the morning.
We put Chloe to sleep on July 26th. Chloe was Anne's fifteen year old cat. She was such a great cat. She used to sleep on the bed every day when it was just me. Once Steve and his cats joined she took to sleeping on her favorite bed or the ledge going upstairs but she jumped up to the bed every morning and night to get some loving. We will all miss her.

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