Tuesday, July 31, 2012

May update

May was another wonderful month.  The weather was nice and we enjoyed time outside.

We are always proud of our kids but this month we were very proud of Katie.  She shared with us that she has never felt that she was a girl.  Katie identifies as a male.  Sharing this took incredible courage.  Katie is transforming into the person he believes he is.   His name is Aiden.  Aiden told family and friends first and then went to school as Aiden.

When Aiden shared this with Sophia he shared that he is still the same person.  He still will play with her on the playground, read her bedtime stories and chase and tickle her.  He still loves her the same.  It was a very sweet conversation.  We are also very proud of Sophia who accepted her brother without questioning it.  She actually is the one who has the easiest time getting used to the new name and pronouns.  

We heard that not everyone is comfortable with this decision and we talked to Sophia about how people can say nasty things when they aren't comfortable with things.  The conversation went like this.   Some people get pregnant and give birth to their children and think that is the only way to have a child. Some people have white skin and think that is the best kind of skin to have. Some woman fall in love with men and get married and think that all marriage should be between a man and a woman. Some people are born into a male body and feel like a male and think that is the only way to be. People can believe whatever they want. However because some believe the things they do they don't accept others who are different from them. They may say hurtful things to them, not want to hang out with them, even hate them. Sophia's response was "We all share the same world and we must take care of it. And we are all different and that makes the world a better place.". That is coming from a six year old. If all children grew up in homes that taught respect for individuals the world would be a better place. I hope all those raising children show respect and tolerance for others. It will go a long way in making the world a better place.

Sophia also competed in her third horse show of the season.  She got a huge ribbon for coming in second for the entire season.  

Sophia also competed in the in-house show over memorial day weekend.  Here she took first place for position/overall riding skills and the cross rail jump.  She took fifth for pleasure.  Once again the judge said that sometimes the best riders take riding so seriously they forget to smile!  

We celebrated Mother's Day with Grandma Beadle and Grandma Bev.  Sophia even went for a swim.

Sophia and I started our garden.  We spent 7 hours in 90+ degree weather getting it ready.  I planted some vegetables and Sophia planted a butterfly garden.  

We visited the farm again.  This is something we did all the time when Sophia was younger.  Kids grow too quickly!!

 And some of our other "children" enjoying spring.

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