Monday, December 01, 2014

November 2014

November went by super quick.  We had a busy month.  It started off with Sophia's birthday on November 1st.  She opened her gifts on Halloween because Steve was away on Saturday.  Sophia and I made lasagna on Saturday and enjoyed it with our neighbors.  On Sunday we went out to Olive Garden for a family dinner.

I brought her a cupcake, balloon and her gift from China to her when she woke up.  This is a tradition we have been doing since she was a baby.

Sophia wanted a Wild Kratts themed birthday party.  We made animals out of pipe cleaners, played animal games and charades.  It was a blast.

Sophia was in the final Fall Series Schooling show.  She rode Oreo.  Oreo is new to showing, which we didn't realize until all was said and done.  Oreo was very agitated during the show.  The whole day was hard.  The show was delayed due to the cold.  The outdoor ring was frozen so they had to move things inside.  Tensions were high.  Oreo wasn't so bad during the first two events but the waiting outside in a small space with lots of horses she got anxious.  She started pulling her head and dancing around.  When she entered the ring for the poles, she went over the first two sets  okay but then outright refused the last two.  Sophia was so determined,  she tried to get the horse over the poles for what seemed like eternity.  The horse pulled her forward and avoided the poles at all costs.  Sophia did not give up.  The judge finally helped her get the horse back on course.  Later the judge told everyone  how Sophia was so determined.  Evidently, she even came looking for me to tell me how impressed she was.  She told Sophia's coach that if she could give a ribbon for determination,  Sophia would win first place.  Sophia is a very determined girl.  Her coach has mentioned this to Sophia before.  Her coach enjoys working with her because she always tries her hardest.  This is a quality which will hopefully get Sophia far in life.

Sophia ended up winning Grand Champion for the Fall Series based on her scores from the September and October shows.

We ran into Sophia's first riding instructor and she asked if Sophia wanted to ride her horse.  Sophia has ridden him twice.  He is a beautiful and big (16.4 hands) thoroughbred.

Sophia is a huge help around the house.  She helped decorate for Christmas and even made a cake.

Aiden came down to visit from Ithaca the weekend before Thanksgiving.  He brought a friend, Olivia who lives too far away to go home for the holiday.  We had fun visiting Grama Bev's and showing Olivia around DC.  The two new college students even did some homework by visiting Steve's school and observing the music teachers. Unfortunately we don't have any pictures.

We got some snow the day before Thanksgiving.  Sophia did not waste anytime.  She got dressed and began sledding in the little snow we got.  She loves to sled.  I love her zest for life.

We spent Thanksgiving with Steve's family.  We had a great dinner.  We have so much to be thankful for but the most touching was a note that Sophia gave Steve and I on Thanksgiving morning.

 Our pets are all getting along.  Mr. Twinkletoes comes downstairs and hangs out with us.  He is getting into all sorts of trouble.

 Sophia and I during a school visit.

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