Wednesday, August 09, 2023

May update

May had many more highs than lows. But as I am writing this post in August I know the impact of the low. The horse Sophia has been leasing the for almost 18 months had some strange longing steps with his hind legs in Sophia's lesson at the beginning of May. He had just came back from the IEA National Competition and he was fine there. They originally thought it might be an injury but when he didn't heal they tested him and he tested positive for EPM which horses get from eating opossum feces with parasites in it. The parasite causes neurological issues and is expensive to treat. While some horses make a complete recovery many don't. He is being treated aggressively but not going to ever return to work. This is devastating for him, his owner and Sophia. 

Sophia has been riding different horses. She enjoyed riding Chuckie and her friend Gretchen was kind enough to have Sophia share her horse Grizzly with her so Sophia could compete in the dressage rally. Sophia has good friends.

Suzie and Ellie were in town and we were able to enjoy an evening together. Lots of catching up and laughing over dinner.

Sheep and Wool festival was a blast. The weather was awesome. I bought enough yarn to keep me busy for years. Heck I will have yarn in my stash from what I bought last year not to mention the shawl kit I bought during the online festival during Covid.

Sophia had her spring concert.

And went to prom. She went with her friend group. Sophia didn't last long, she isn't into the crowd scene but had a blast getting ready with her very good friend, Ava.

Stephanie graduated from George Washington University and I was honored to go to see her college commencement cerermony.

One Sunday in May neighbors told Steve they had been hearing a fawn call out for help all day. Steve knew well enough to leave them in hopes of their mom returning. However when it had gone on for over 10 hours we went in to rescue it. Turns out there were two. One looked okay. That fawn was walking around but there was another who was weak and just laying there bleating. We found a rescue who could take them in. When we did they said the tinier one was dehydrated and wouldn't have made it much longer. We made a donation to the rescue for their care and hope they made it.

I am trying container gardening this year. I am using grow bags based on Aiden's recommendations. 

Our pets. Mr. Twinkletoes got this gift from Sheep and Wool festival!

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