Monday, August 01, 2005

Time passes slowly

Well it has been just about six weeks from when we logged in. Time really passes slowly. We have been having a good summer with Katie. Steve enjoys lots of fun days with Katie seeing he is home during the summer. We have tried to do some fun stuff on the weekends so I can join them. We have seen a few movies, went to the zoo, and have gone swimming at Grandma Bev's house several times. We attended another waiting family meeting. Katie enjoyed playing with the two children on the floor. The meetings are getting harder for Steve because it seems so far off until we are home with our daughter. I still enjoy seeing the families and hearing the stories.

I have started buying stuff for the nursery. I have decided I want to use panda bears. It is impossible to find a crib set with pandas. I have shopped eBay and found some stuff that I am going to pull together. I hope it will work. I think I am going to paint the room a light green.

I had a dream that a baby was handed to me by a Chinese man with a long beard. The dream occurred on July 23rd. I am not sure if the date will prove to be significant but decided it would be worth noting.

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