Wow!! Where does the time go? We have had a very busy and exciting September. Anne and Sophia took a mother-daughter trip to Sarasota, Florida at the beginning of the month. They joined Heather and Katlyn there. Katlyn is one of Sophia's best friends, they were adopted at the same time. Heather was house-sitting there so we joined her for five days. We had a blast. Sophia and Katlyn had so much fun at the beach and the pool. Watching them on the beach, running around and playing in the sand was a show in and of itself. They can entertain each other (and us) for hours. They are both very brave and love the water. They just jumped right in the pool and swam. The arm swimmies helped keep them afloat so they felt more independent while swimming. They both experienced Chuck-E-Cheeses for the first time on a rainy night. These two are so self-confident and self-assured.
Sophia also started her parent/child gymnastics class again. Class meets on Saturday mornings. She really enjoys the class. She loves jumping but is not so into the warm-up stretches. She would rather wander off and explore than sit and stretch. She has been doing the stretches at home but I guess there are too many exciting things to explore at the gym.
She is growing up so quickly. She is talking up a storm. I can't say that we understand half of what she says but that doesn't stop her!! She is also picking up more signs and that helps so much. She still loves watching TV, The Wonder Pets and The Wiggles are her favorite shows.
She is getting more and more independent. There are days that she refuses to wear what I pick out for her. She wants to pick out her own clothes and wants to put them on herself. Usually we end up with two legs in one pants leg but she does give it her best try. She only asks for help when she is truly stuck. She has been using the potty every morning. She isn't into going on the potty during the day but the morning trip is always a success.
She is still a good eater. She will try almost everything you give her. She still loves fruit and can't get enough of it. She has been drinking milk in a sippy cup as long as we put strawberry or chocolate flavoring in it.
She still loves being outside. She is really enjoying the new park that opened behind our house. We walk there almost every night so she can run, climb, slide and spin. She also loves to paint and help cook. She is starting to play with her puzzles more often. Sophia loves playing with Anne's old Cabbage Patch doll. She takes it for walks in our house in the doll stroller. She likes pretending she is feeding the doll. Sophia also loves to sing and dance. She enjoys looking at books and having books read to her.
She is growing so quickly I need to post more often!!! Stay tuned to see her Halloween costume.
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