Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas. Nick and Katie came down to spend the holiday with us. Katie made a wonderful gingerbread house again this year. I think this is becoming a tradition. We went to church as a family on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning was filled with excitement. Sophia understood that Santa would be leaving her gifts. It is so much fun to watch the excitement in the eyes of a toddler. This was, by far, my best gift this year.

Santa left Sophia a sippy cup in her bedroom. Yes!! Santa tiptoed into her bedroom to leave a present and note. Santa's note said that Sophia is big enough to use a sippy cup with water in it at night and no longer needs a bottle of water at bedtime. Sophia heeded Santa's words and transitioned to no bottle with only a few night of some quiet whinning.

Sophia was thrilled to see her dollhouse, her "pee pee in the potty" doll and DVD player. She went from one thing to another. She really enjoyed openning up all the gifts... tearing through the wrapping to reveal the toy.

We spent Christmas Day with Steve's parents and grandmother. Sophia got wonderful gifts from Grandma Bev and Pop Pop. She got her very own leapfrog computer... a huge hit. She got the donut shop she had been asking for from Grandma Beadle. Sophia could not have been happier.
It was nice to have Nick and Katie with us on Christmas. We missed Leslie and her family but hopefully we can take a trip out to California one of these days to see them.

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