Monday, February 02, 2009

January update

January was an amazing month. We started the month ...or rather finished the year with a trip to Connecticut to celebrate Christmas with Anne's family. We drove on New Year's Eve, which ended up being a huge mistake. They were predicting some snow in the northeast but we knew it would not amount to anything. Connecticut ended up getting about 2 or 3 inches but that caused a huge traffic jam. I-95 was a parking lot from New York through Connecticut. A trip that should take 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours ended up taking us about 10 hours. Sophia and Katie were troopers. Thank goodness for the portable DVD player Santa brought us. It made it a little more manageable with Sophia. We spent a few days with Anne's sister Linda. Of course, Anne's mom was there and Anne's brother George and his family came up on New Year's Day. It was nice to see all the cousins play together. The adults enjoyed the time chatting, watching the kids open the gifts and playing a fun dice game. Sophia, Stephanie and Hollie enjoyed the snow in the days that followed.
We were lucky enough to get some snow at the end of January. Sophia had a blast with our dog pulling her on the sled. If I could capture the giggles in a bottle and hold onto them forever I would. Sophia is filled with joy, gratitude, excitement and love.

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