Saturday, February 27, 2010

February update

After a quiet January, we were treated to an exciting February. We got hit with back to back snow storms. We were at home and together for about 10 days. The first storm hit on February 6th bringing 30 inches of snow with it. We lost power for about 12 hours. We were prepared. When the alarm clocks started flickering at 3 AM Steve and I got up and cooked up some food that we would be able to eat in the event power did go out for several days. Sure enough just as we finished cooking the power went out. We spent the morning by the fire and Steve was out in the woods looking for more fire wood seeing stores had sold out days before. We had a blast living simply for 12 hours or so before power was restored. We spent hours digging out our cars, shoveling the sidewalks, making a path for the dogs in the backyard, making snow forts and enjoying the snow. It was too deep for the dogs to pull a sled once it all fell and too dry to make a snowman but we had fun, nonetheless.

And if this wasn't bad enough we got hit by a blizzard on February 9th and 10th. More snow and high winds made it hard to stay outside for long but we did get out several times a day to get some fresh air and and dig out.

Nick came down for a visit in February. He brought his girlfriend, Kim. We had a great time together. It was nice to finally meet Kim after hearing so much about her. Sophia loves Nick. She looks forward to his visits. Now she also looks forward to seeing Kim.

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