Tuesday, January 01, 2019

August 2018

Our last month of summer vacation went by very quickly. Sophia started riding at a new barn which we learned about from a parent at BreyerFest. This barn is a Pony Club Riding Center which means you can be part of the Pony Club without owning your own horse. Sophia has been wanting to join Pony Club since we first heard about it when she was about seven years old. We tried to get in touch with one riding center back then but never got a response back. This is a newer riding center. In order to be part of the Pony Club program you must be enrolled in their weekly lesson program. So once a week we travel 45 minutes out there for a lesson. You are really seeming to enjoy this new barn. The horses are awesome. They seem happy and willing to work.

Sophia continues to ride at the old barn for a weekly lesson and dressage team. We still lease Navajo and ride him three times a week.

Sophia did a presentation with her friend Emma for her 4H horse project. They did an awesome job presenting about horse breeds.

We went to Great Wolf Lodge for the China Sister Reunion. Steve didn't come this year so it was just me and Sophia.  Sophia had a blast running around with the kids. It is amazing to see the bond these girls have.  They had so much fun one night that security had to come by to tell them all to quiet down. The parents were right across the hall in another room and they immediately came to tell us that they were told to quiet down. Sophia and Ellie did a high ropes course. I am so proud of Sophia for trying this. She fearlessly traveled up to the top of the course.

We did a teen empowerment event at Aveda. They did a facial explaining how to care for your skin and then curled Sophia's hair with a flat iron. It was beautiful. She liked it so much we recreated the curls for her first day back to school.
August was a good month.

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