Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 2020 has been a crazy year thus far and September just added to the crazy. While September had its good moments it also had some really shitty ones. 

Let's start off with the good. We went on our first hike with Loki. He loved it. Sophia even enjoyed. She wished it was a little shorter but she put up with the extra time. Loki is enjoying these new experiences. 

Sophia got together for a socially distanced playdate with her friend the day before school started. They have been friends since they took a dance class together when they were four years old. They went through elementary and middle school together. They are now going to the same high school. 
Sophia started HIGH SCHOOL! It is 100% virtual until at least the end of January. She has four classes. History, Biology, Chorus and Theatre. Chorus and Theatre would be much better in person but we don't have any choice here. She will do English, Algebra II, Spanish II and health/PE in the second semester. Not sure if that will be in person or still virtual. The ways things are going I am thinking it will be virtual.

The other good points are our animals. We thought we might have to put Gracie down but once again she bounced back. Loki is doing well. Driving the cats crazy but they put him in his place. Loki and Boba enjoy playing but sometimes it gets rough and Boba needs a time out. Otto is missing in these pictures.

Now the low points. Leslie was admitted to Hospice on September 15th. Initially the people there thought she would have hours to days to live. Suzy and Mickey made the trip to see her and we spend a wonderful weekend with Leslie. Leslie's son, Will was due to come in to spend time with her the day she got to Hospice. Perhaps being surrounded by love helped Leslie. They were able to get her pain in control and thankfully she started doing much better. They are now saying weeks to a month. We are grateful for the extra time with her. 

There was one night that I was supposed to be facilitating a workshop. They were having some technical difficulties and canceled the workshop. I decided it would be good to go out for a walk seeing I have been visiting Leslie in Hospice. It was about 7:30 at night and dark. I took Loki out. I tripped over a bit of uneven sidewalk and my face broke the fall. It is unclear of exactly what happened. I may have tripped landed on one knee and then my face or simply tripped and landed on my face. Once I was able to get the phone to recognize my passcode I called Sophia to bring me some towels and Steve who was on his way home from Hospice. A neighbor happened to come out. I called her over and she took one look at me and called 911. There was quite a bit of blood. I initially refused to go to the hospital so Steve took me to urgent care. They promptly send me to the hospital for a CT scan because they were concerned about a brain bleed. Thankfully ??? it was only a concussion and a broken nose. It wasn't pretty but could have been much worse. 

I am really hoping for a better October!

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