Sunday, December 20, 2020

October 2020

Where do I begin? Let's start with the fun stuff. Sophia and I went to Lexington, VA to the GAIGs dressage show. Sophia, her friend Kate and her coach Robin all competed. Sophia and Kate competed in the regular rated show classes and her coach completed in the regular classes and a couple of the regional championship classes. Robin's daughter and parents (the owners of the barn), a fellow rider who helped Robin and the girls and Kate's mom all went. It was a great time. We were a bit concerned about the Covid numbers but the show did a great job at making sure everyone socially distanced and wore masks. We tried to eat outdoors but didn't have a choice a couple of nights. However the restaurants were seating people far apart and using strict cleaning protocols. It was so nice to get away. We were there Wednesday through Sunday.

Sophia competed twice on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. She did her musical freestyle and scored really well on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday Nicki got round during her first ride. Sophia has been working on this for a year and things just clicked for the one ride. She wasn't able to achieve the roundness the other rides but she rode really well. I am so proud of all she does.

Sophia missed three days of school but fear not, she got work done in the car! 

Leslie is still in Hospice. She is doing better since the pain is better managed. We are spending as much time with her as we can. We are grateful for the extra time we have. We enjoy walks outside when it is nice. We have had some pampering sessions where I do her nails with the new Colorstreet nails. We also just sit and talk. So glad we can spend this time together.

We voted early by mail in ballot. Hoping we don't get stuck with Trump for four more years. Polls are showing Biden leading but after 2016 I am not sure I trust the polls any more.

We weren't sure if kids would be out trick or treating this year. There were a few but we ended up with a lot of extra candy. Loki and Mr. Twinkletoes got dressed up for Halloween.

Sophia continues to ride. She would live at the barn if she could!

Loki is growing big. He is good most of the time. He has this thing for paper and likes to shred it. Makes us crazy but it could be worse!

Our other animals are all doing good. Gracie was in need of a haircut in a bad way. She was trimmed this month and looks so much better! We put a sweater on her seeing she has so much less fur now.

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