Tuesday, December 22, 2020

November 2020

 November always starts off with a candle and cupcakes in bed for Sophia. November 1st is her birthday and every year since turning two we have brought a cupcake and balloon to her in bed. We also give her the gift we purchased for her in when we first met her in China. This year it was a book of beautiful flowers printed on clear cellophane. Don't knock it. It is hard trying to find 18 years worth of gifts that are meaningful and could fit in our already overstuffed suitcase. 

Sophia offered to help the Pony Club members on her birthday. Her and her friend Kate did the horse management rating for the younger D-2 riders. This involved testing their knowledge, having them demonstrate their slip knot and jogging out a horse. They both did awesome in the rater role. The younger members really look up to them.

I had the day after the election off due to a last minute client cancellation. I took advantage of the day off by spending time with Leslie. We actually got out of Hospice. I took her shopping. We spent almost two hours in Five Below and then about thirty minutes in Joann's. We finished out our outing with some smoothies. It was a great day. Typically I visit during the evening so we don't get out much. I am so grateful for this time with her. She loved getting out and bought all good stuff (candy, candy and more candy.) 

Typically Leslie and I just hang out, watch TV and chat. There are times we take a short tour of the grounds or the building. We did our nails together several times.

Sophia took part in a Jump Clinic. She rode her favorite new jump pony, Buloo. They did an amazing job. 

Unfortunately the end of the month had a pretty low note. Our old barn had a change in management. Many of the horses there needed to find new places. Navajo was going to move to the barn Sophia currently rides at. Sophia was so excited and looking forward to being able to ride him again. She loves that horse. Just before he was supposed to move the owner contacted us and said he wasn't doing good. She was having some tests done but likely he wouldn't be able to move. It ended up pretty serious. He had a hernia in his diaphragm. The owner made the very difficult decision to put him down. We had four days were we pampered him and spent time with him before he was put down. It was incredibly moving. He was an awesome horse. Sophia trusted him with her life. He taught her so much and he loved when she rode him. He loved jumping, especially out in the field. They were a great match.

We had Sophia's 15th birthday party at the barn. Considering the social distancing needed and the open nature of the barn that was the best option. She rode with her three best friends at the barn. She also invited two other friends that own horses. One of them could not make it so it was just five of them but they had a blast. They played games on horseback and then had some pizza and cake. Glad we were able to make this happen during this very crazy year. 

Her friend Kate had her party there too. They played games too. 

Sophia loves hanging out with her barn friends.
Thanks to Covid we had to Zoom our Thanksgiving. I cooked a full Thanksgiving meal that Steve, Sophia and I ate. I then visited Leslie and brought her food. I came home and we had dessert with Aiden, Lindsey and Nick over Zoom. We played a game together. It was not as nice as being together but it was the next best thing.

Our animals are just as crazy as ever. And yes, you are seeing that right. It is a bit of Loki's fur in Otto's paw. Otto lets Loki know when he has had enough. Mr. Twinkletoes is much more tolerant of Loki's antics. 

Until December...... 

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