Friday, August 27, 2021

July 2021

 July was an incredibly exciting month. The highlight was going to Lexington Horse Park in Kentucky for Pony Club Nationals but let me start at the beginning of the month.

On July 1st, 2006 we received the long awaited news of Sophia with a referral report and three pictures. Every year I take a picture of her holding my favorite referral photo. This marks fifteen years. Hard to believe. I will never forget the day I first saw her picture and never forget how every day since my life is fuller, happier and for sure busier!

Sophia got her hair cut for the first time since Covid. She needed her hair to fit in her bun holder for champs so she got quite a few inches taken off. 

Pony Club Champs was a blast. Nine girls from the barn went. Seven riders and two stable managers. It was just Sophia and I who went down. Steve stayed back with the dogs and to get some much needed down time. Sophia and I drove half way and had a relaxing night at a hotel before the crazy week started. 

Most of the families stayed at the campground onsite. We had an RV and a golf cart which made it easy to get around. Even with the golf cart I walked over 10,000 steps a day.

Pony Club is not only about the riding. The riders but keep themselves, their horses and tack clean. They are watched from 6 AM to 6 PM and get points for any demerits. It is intense. It teaches responsibility but is also stressful. The first day involved getting the tack room set up. 

Second day was jogs to see if the horses were sound, formal inspections and opening ceremonies.

Sophia was team captain. The team had four girls and a stable manager. One girl was eighteen years old and ranked higher than Sophia in Pony Club. Sophia is a C2 and this girl was an HB. This girl was difficult. Perhaps felt that she should be captain but Pony Club picked and Sophia was chosen. This girl made the week more difficult. Sophia, as captain, had the final say. If they protested a demerit Sophia had to present it. The team did really well. They got only 8 demerits all week, the 1st place team got 6. This girl wanted Sophia to protest things that weren't arguable. Sophia held her ground. She was amazing. Sophia's team rode well and earned first place overall in their division (riding and Horse Management) and second in HM. Sophia also took 7th place in her musical freestyle to Grease.

Sophia rode a total of four times. They scored in the mid 60's each ride. Nicki is pregnant and was very tired but she really performed well for Sophia, even in all the heat.

After the awards ceremony they had to clean out the stalls and bring everything back to the trailer. It was a long day but Sophia kept her sense of humor and found creative ways to make the work a bit easier like riding on the golf cart and pulling the wheelbarrow rather than pushing it.

After champs Sophia decided she wants to work on jumping a bit. She started riding Autumn for some jump lessons. She will also start working with Brisk for dressage for next year. She will ride Nicki until October during the CBLM championships and then Nicki will be retired to become mom.

Here are our crazy pets.

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