Sunday, April 18, 2021


I sit here and reflect back on March and draw a blank. What happened? What did we do that is worth reporting? Where are the pictures to help jog my memory? This post will be a short one.

March marked the one year mark of our lives changing since Covid hit. I am amazed we are at the year mark. I think back to March of last year when we were hit with fear and uncertainty. I think back to how I thought that things would return to normal after a couple of months.Yet here we are a year later and still not doing so much that was commonplace before. We have dined in a restaurant just a handful of times this year, we have done 98% of our shopping, including our grocery shopping, online, we haven't seen family in person in well over a year. We have found new ways to connect. Zoom dinners with Nick, Aiden and Lindsey, trainings and workshops over Zoom, happy hours with friends over a glass of wine and Zoom. We have had more time at home as a family. Things have changed but some changes have been good.

This month Sophia, Steve and I dined in a restaurant together for the first time in a year. Sophia had been wanting to try Korean food. So we found a great Korean restaurant and had some delicious food. We will no doubt go back. The food was good, service was good and company great!

Sophia rode her coach's horse, Brisk. Her coach may retire Brisk this year because he took her as far as he can go, Prix St. George. This is a very difficult level of dressage and as an older horse he will probably max out there. Sophia may transition to him because the horse she is riding is older and maxed out around Level 1. Sophia got a chance to ride him and did fantastic on him. This may be an option in the fall once this year's show season is complete.

We put Gracie down. She started to have seizures. They started happening more often. We did not want her to suffer. She lived to be 17 1/2. She has lived with us since September 2017. We took her in after Steve's mom died. She was a sweet dog and we are happy that she was able to live the rest of her life with us and all our other animals. I miss her prancing around the house in the evening hoping to get those evening snacks before bedtime. She would prance until she got her treats. I miss her chasing the cats. These are a couple of pictures from her last days with us. 

All our other animals are doing good. Otto seems to be missing in all my pictures. 

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