Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Amazing April!

 April was an exciting month. Let me start with some of the more mundane stuff and then move to the exciting things we did.

Our pets are all good. It is neat to see how they all seem to get along. There are times the cats think they are dogs and try to go out into the backyard when we let the dogs out to potty. Then there are times Loki thinks he is a cat and we find him on our kitchen table! Bad doggy. I guess he sees the cats jump up there and figures why not. He even got up on the kitty condo once. This dog is too much.

Steve took Loki camping over Easter weekend. They both had a blast. The house was quiet without them. Sophia and I went out for breakfast on Easter morning. 

There was a Pony Club Games practice on Easter Monday.  Steve was away and I had to work so we let Sophia spend the night with a barn friend. Unfortunately four days later the mom of the girl called and said she tested positive for Covid. We ran out and got tested. Steve and I were vaccinated and tested negative. Sophia wasn't so lucky. She tested positive. But fortunately she never developed any symptoms. She quarantined in her room for ten days. She couldn't go to the barn, bummer. She couldn't do any of her chores around the house, yippee. After ten days of being in her room and having food brought up to her she was ready to come out.

Sophia completed the riding portion of her Pony Club C-2 Dressage test in April. She passed without any difficulties. So proud of her. 

Sophia loves riding Nicki.

Sophia found a recipe for horse treats. She did a fantastic job making them. The horses loved them too.

Now onto the good stuff. I finally got the kitchen remodel I have been dreaming of (and saving for) since I moved into the house. I finally have nice bright cabinets instead of the dark wood ones. The contractor was able to open up the space by cutting away some of the wall going into the kitchen. He planned to expand the kitchen into the dining area with a pantry but unfortunately found out the wall he was going to take down was load bearing. How he didn't realize that before the planning is beyond me. But I found a workaround. I got a pantry cabinet so I now have all the space I would have had if the expansion worked. It was a tough couple of weeks living out of boxes. The work which was supposed to happen over a long, four day weekend ended up taking eleven days. It was hard living without a kitchen during that time. Our already small house was even more cluttered with boxes. Once the remodel was complete I was able to organize the kitchen in ways that  will make it neater and more efficient.  




And the best part of the month was a visit from Aiden, Lindsey and Nick. We are so thrilled to meet Aiden's finance, Lindsey, in person. We haven't seen Nick and Aiden due to Covid but with us all vaccinated it was finally safe to see them. We had a great time. They came right in the middle of the kitchen remodel. It wasn't planned that way. The remodel should have been completed the week before them came but that never happened. It meant I couldn't cook a big dinner for us to share but that gave me more time to just sit, relax and catch up with them. I couldn't have asked for a better visit. Sophia was thrilled to see her brothers and Lindsey fit right in. So exciting to have Lindsey as part of our family. 

It was Lindsey's birthday so we celebrated with some cake. 

I don't think May can top this month. April was pretty amazing

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