Sunday, January 15, 2023

October 2022

 September was a quiet month. October was not. We started the month at the Regional Championships GAIGs show in Lexington, VA. Sophia qualified to ride in the First Level- Test 3 regional championship class. We waited too long to book a room and it showed. Our room was disgusting and a smoking room. Who thought hotels even had smoking rooms in 2022. GROSS.

I love the backdrop to the show rings. You see the mountains off in the distance. It really is a beautiful place to ride. Sophia and Brisk had an off day the first day. They just weren't communicating. The ride in the championship class was not great. The second ride of the day was right after that first class. She hardly had time to regroup and recalibrate but her second ride did go a bit better. The ride on the second day was much better, earning her a score for next year's regional competition in the First Level, Test 3 class again. I am so proud of her for sticking with it, never giving up. Horseback riding and showing is expensive but the lessons she is learning goes far beyond what she does on a horse's back.

Sophia also competed in her first IEA show of the season. This one was in Culpepper VA. She had amazing rides. She got one second and one third on her test classes and two thirds on her DSE classes. Many people commented that she should have gotten a first on the DSE class the second day. She looked amazing on the horse. But either way she feels good about the scores and how she rode the horses. IEA you hop on a horse, get three minutes to warm up and go in to do the test. In the DSE classes you hop on and go right into the class. You have to figure out how to communicate with the horse in a very short time, you have to be adaptable and a quick study. She certainly is.

The barn also had a fall trail ride to raise money for the Pony Club Champs. Sophia and the other members lead the horses on a 30 minute trail ride with the participants on the horse's back. It is hard work but it helps defray the cost of transporting horses to the championship and is great for all the kids who get to ride a horse. They have a blast.

Sophia had a choral POPS concert in school. The chorus got to chose their music all relating to a Disney theme. They made up movements to the songs. Sophia and her friend sang a duet. I am so impressed that Sophia is able to put herself on stage and sing in such a confident manner. The concert was really fun. This was the best concert I have seen her in. The songs were all fun and the kids clearly were enjoying signing.

The month finished with homecoming for Sophia. She went with her long time friend, Ava. They got ready together. Sophia drove herself to the homecoming. Sophia lasted about two hours and had enough. These big crowds aren't her thing. This was the reason Sophia wanted to drive herself because she knew that she wouldn't stay the full time.

Pets are all good, though not all pictured.

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