Sunday, January 15, 2023

December Blog

 December was another good month. It pleases me to write these posts and think about all the good things we share. I feel very fortunate. I know not everyone is so blessed.

Sophia went on her first college visit with Steve this month. She went to Wilson College. They have an amazing equestrian program and a good science department but not a strong math presence. Sophia also thought the school was a little too small.

We cut down our own tree again this year. I really do love this tradition. The tree is perfect. Sophia and Steve helped decorate the tree. I love that we have the yearly ornaments that we get the Sophia each year on the tree. We gave Nick and Aiden their ornaments as they are out on their own and adulting. I am not sure I ever posted the story behind the ornaments. I was part of an online group while we were waiting to adopt Sophia. One member posted how she gives an ornament to her kids each year and writes a letter about the year and the experiences the kid has had. She then planned to give them to her kids when they got older to decorate their tree. I was immediately all over this. We started in 2006 and get an ornament each year. In the beginning we got ceramic ornaments and had the kids names and year on it. We picked an ornament based on their interest, soccer ball, iPod, ballet shoes, etc. But we ran out of ornaments that fit so for the past five years or so we get a photo ornament for them. I think the kids enjoy this tradition.

I helped Sophia decorate Brisk's stall. It was freezing that night. Our hands nearly fell off!

Brisk even got festive for the holidays.

Sophia planned the awards celebration and holiday party for her 4 H group. A few kids couldn't attend but the ones that did had a blast. Sophia did the unwrap a present with oven mitts and the Santa hat game. The kids had a blast. She had this one wrapped good. She used a whole roll of tape.

Sophia got her wisdom teeth out just before Christmas. She handled it really well. When she came out of the sleep she just cried saying she wanted her Otto.
Sophia always finds the cutest gifts. She found these design your own crocs which she gave to her coach and a couple of barn friends. She ordered a pair for herself too. 
This year Nick hosted Christmas in his new house. It was so nice to see how proud he was to do this. We had ham and side dishes. It meant a lot to see his tree decorated in the ornaments we have given him throughout the years. We also lit the menorah that night for Mari. It was a perfect celebration. 

We had tacos for dinner on New Year's Eve followed by the traditional chocolate fondue. Sophia always helps with the fondue which is nice. We all stayed awake til midnight. New Years day we had some baked ravioli lasagna because we couldn't let the holiday season go by without some Italian dishes!

And as always I will finish with our pets who are all doing well. Til next month- 2023!

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